HAPPENING NOW: Danica Under Heavy Fire Over Universe Isn’t Safe Anymore Remark

Danica Patrick Sparks Controversy with Comments on Universe’s Safety

Former NASCAR star Danica Patrick has once again found herself at the center of controversy, this time for her comments on the state of the universe. In an interview with Calley Means on “The Truth About Health Care Funding,” the conversation veered into topics of reproduction, sperm counts, and infertility, where Patrick expressed agreement with Means’ assessment that negative trends are affecting human bodies.

Patrick made a bold assertion, stating that the universe itself is indicating that it’s “not a safe place anymore.” The comment, shared via Means’ Instagram account, sparked curiosity and debate, though Patrick did not elaborate further on what she meant or offer any solutions to address the perceived issue.

This isn’t the first time Patrick has stirred controversy with her remarks. Just days prior to this interview, she pledged to continue discussing “chemtrails” until she stops seeing them, a statement that garnered its fair share of criticism and skepticism. Additionally, two months ago, Patrick waded into the gender debate, asserting that the women’s movement has blurred societal perceptions of gender to the point of confusion.

Both of these previous statements from Patrick prompted considerable backlash and rebuttals online, with many questioning the validity and implications of her claims. As Patrick continues to share her opinions on various topics, she remains a polarizing figure, eliciting strong reactions from both supporters and critics alike.

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