Ever Had A Pickleball Injuries? Here Is An Orthopedic Surgeon Advice On Future Prevention

 Mayo Clinic Orthopedic Surgeon Offers Tips to Prevent Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball, a rapidly growing sport, has brought joy to many, but it’s also seen a rise in injuries, according to a recent report. Dr. Sanj Kakar, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand and wrist disorders at Mayo Clinic, sheds light on the common injuries and offers valuable advice to prevent them.

One prevalent injury in pickleball is traumatic, often resulting in a broken wrist. Dr. Kakar highlights that older players, particularly those with undiagnosed osteoporosis, are more susceptible to these injuries, especially from falls during play.

Overuse injuries, such as tendonitis, are also a concern. Dr. Kakar emphasizes the importance of conditioning to mitigate these risks.

To prevent injuries, Dr. Kakar recommends following the three P’s:

1. *Proper Warm-Up:* Before hitting the court, engage in stretching exercises to prepare your body for the game.

2. *Proper Equipment:* Unlike tennis or squash, pickleball requires specific gear. Dr. Kakar stresses the significance of using appropriate equipment, such as paddles with thicker padding to reduce the strain on wrists.

3. *Proper Form:* Learning proper technique is crucial in preventing injuries. Dr. Kakar suggests considering taking lessons to ensure you’re playing with correct form and minimizing the risk of strain.

By adhering to these guidelines, pickleball enthusiasts can enjoy the sport safely and minimize the risk of injuries, allowing for many more games to come.

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