As Canucks Mourns The Stampede Victims Of Playoff Celebration : Will It Affect The Game?

Canucks Playoff Celebrations Result in Stampede Victim at Surrey-Delta Border

Delta, BC – As the Vancouver Canucks’ playoff fever continues, what should be joyous celebrations have taken a dangerous turn. Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord reported a troubling incident where a fan became a victim of a stampede during the unsanctioned post-game celebrations at the Surrey-Delta border.

While the city’s organized viewing parties at the North Delta Recreation Centre have been orderly, the large, unsanctioned gatherings at the intersection of Scott Road and 72 Avenue have led to chaos. The past three games saw this major intersection closed due to overwhelming crowds, with one individual tragically injured in the mayhem.

The Delta Police Department (DPD) and Surrey RCMP have ramped up their efforts to manage these gatherings. Over the first five games, police overtime costs have ballooned to around $33,000. Officers are tasked with ensuring safety and enforcing the Motor Vehicle Act, liquor and cannabis control laws, and the Criminal Code.

Following the Canucks’ Game 6 win on Thursday, the DPD issued a stern reminder on social media for fans to act responsibly, sharing a photo of a man perilously hanging onto a moving vehicle. This highlighted the dangers of such unruly celebrations.

Common infractions during these gatherings include not wearing seat belts and revving engines, with enforcement actions taken against roughly 20 drivers. The DPD has warned that even if immediate action isn’t possible, offenders can expect follow-up visits to their homes.

The city is also facing financial pressures. A report to Delta council revealed that costs associated with hosting viewing events, such as rentals, security, and traffic control, amount to about $10,000 per game.

There’s a proposal to add a second viewing location in South Delta, should the Canucks advance further in the playoffs. However, this is uncertain due to potential difficulties in finding a suitable location and higher associated costs.

Delta council has agreed to consider the additional site only if these issues can be resolved. In the meantime, the focus remains on managing current gatherings and ensuring fan safety.

*Stay safe and go Canucks!*

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