HEAVY BLOW: Another Collingwood Goal Brain-box Get Sidelined Indefinitely

Jordan De Goey Faces Indefinite Sideline Time with Abdominal Strain

Collingwood star Jordan De Goey has been ruled out indefinitely following a concerning abdominal strain, delivering a significant blow to the Magpies ahead of their upcoming clash against Fremantle. Despite being cleared of a concussion after his late-game heroics against Adelaide, De Goey’s latest injury will keep him out of action for the foreseeable future.

During Collingwood’s thrilling four-point victory over Adelaide, De Goey suffered a heavy fall late in the final quarter, hitting his back and head. Although he briefly left the field, he returned in the game’s dying moments to secure a crucial mark and kick the winning goal. Initially, there were concerns about concussion-related symptoms, but De Goey was subsequently cleared by the team’s medical staff.

However, it was later revealed that De Goey sustained an abdominal strain in the third quarter of the match. Despite playing through the pain to finish the game, the injury flared up during a training session on Tuesday, preventing him from completing the session and prompting further medical evaluation.

“Jordy won’t play,” confirmed Collingwood coach Craig McRae. “He’s got a fresh injury, an abdominal strain. He picked it up during the game and played through it, but he pulled up quite sore. He’s undergoing scans to determine the severity.”

The 28-year-old’s latest setback comes amid ongoing concerns about his physical condition. Recently, De Goey’s workload had been reduced to prevent the onset of osteitis pubis (OP), a debilitating groin condition. While he experienced groin soreness post-match against Adelaide, McRae clarified that the abdominal strain is a separate issue.

As De Goey undergoes further scans, Collingwood will be anxiously awaiting the results to understand the full extent of the injury and his expected recovery timeline. This injury not only sidelines one of their key players but also raises questions about the Magpies’ depth as they continue their campaign in the season.

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