BREAKING NEWS JUST IN: Kayaking Mishap Claims Lives, Alarm Raiser In Trouble

Nursery Worker Convicted After Hoax Kayak Accident Call Leads to Massive Search

Clair Frost, a nursery worker from Killin, has been convicted of orchestrating a false emergency call about a nonexistent kayaking accident on Loch Tay. The hoax, reported on January 17, triggered an extensive and costly search operation.

Emergency services, including police, ambulance crews, firefighters, and a helicopter, were mobilized to search the freezing waters of Loch Tay for an overturned kayak. The operation, which lasted several hours, involved checking lay-bys, hotels, and campsites in the area. Despite the extensive effort, no evidence of the reported accident was found.

The call, made from a landline in a nappy-changing room at Killin Nursery School, was traced back to Frost. Her distinctive voice, described as higher-pitched and childlike, was identified by colleagues and a police officer. A nappy-changing log confirmed that Frost was in the room at the time of the call.

Sheriff Clair McLachlan, who found Frost guilty, emphasized the gravity of the false alarm, highlighting the significant waste of emergency resources and the potential danger posed to the public by diverting attention from real emergencies. Frost has been warned that a custodial sentence cannot be ruled out as a consequence of her actions.

Sentencing is scheduled for October 2, and Detective Constable Gavin Dingwall has expressed confusion about Frost’s motives for the hoax.

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