BREAKING NOW: Groups Of US Scientists Comes Hard On Ice Baths Therapy Amid Mass Death In..

Headline: Rise in Ice Bath-Related Deaths Sparks Health Warnings from Experts

Amid the growing trend of cold therapy, health professionals are issuing warnings about the risks associated with ice baths after a surge in cold-exposure-related fatalities. Despite claims that cold immersion can improve recovery and boost mental resilience, experts are cautioning that the potential dangers, particularly for those with pre-existing heart conditions, may far outweigh the benefits.

The American Heart Association has stated that evidence supporting the health benefits of ice baths is still inconclusive. Meanwhile, the National Centre for Cold Water Safety warns that sudden immersion in water below 15ºC can be fatal in less than a minute. The British Heart Foundation echoes this concern, advising individuals with heart conditions to consult their doctors before attempting ice baths.

Professor Mike Tipton, a leading researcher at the University of Portsmouth, highlighted that even fit and healthy individuals could be at risk. His research revealed that the chances of developing cardiac arrhythmias — potentially life-threatening irregular heartbeats — rise dramatically when a person is exposed to cold water, particularly if they hold their breath beforehand. “It’s an incredible way of reproducing cardiac arrhythmias in otherwise healthy individuals,” Tipton told The Times.

Dr. Zainab Moalla, a general practitioner, emphasized that improper use of ice baths can lead to hypothermia, tissue damage, and even increased cardiovascular strain. Dr. Moalla stressed the need for proper monitoring during such treatments, especially for individuals with underlying health conditions.

Fitness experts are also warning against ice baths for beginners, with Sarah Lindsay, founder of Roar Fitness, advising people to never attempt them alone, especially if inexperienced.

As more people embrace cold therapy, experts are urging caution and the importance of understanding its potential dangers. The trend, which has gained popularity through social media and sports endorsements, now faces scrutiny from medical professionals concerned about public safety.


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