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Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone Welcomed Home in Grand Style by Husband Andre Levrone Jr.

Olympic champion Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone received a hero’s welcome in her hometown on Monday, but it was her husband, Andre Levrone Jr., who set the tone for an unforgettable celebration. As McLaughlin-Levrone returned to Columbia Park, the site of a ceremony honoring her legendary track career, Andre orchestrated a grand homecoming fit for a queen.

The four-time Olympic gold medalist and world record-holder was the star of the day, but it was Andre’s thoughtfulness that made the event feel even more special. From coordinating surprises to ensuring family and friends were all in attendance, Andre took the lead in making sure his wife’s return to Dunellen was one for the history books.

“Seeing her celebrated like this is everything,” Andre said, beaming with pride as he stood by her side. “Sydney deserves all the recognition in the world for what she’s accomplished. This is her moment, and I just wanted to make sure it was perfect.”

The ceremony began with Dunellen Mayor Jason Cilento humorously reminiscing about a promise he made back in 2021 when the town first named the track after McLaughlin-Levrone. He joked that if her success continued, the town might have to rename itself in her honor. “Well, here we are in 2024, and she’s gone above and beyond, winning two more gold medals and setting her sixth world record,” Cilento said with a laugh. “But don’t worry, we’re not renaming Dunellen just yet!”

While the mayor’s playful banter entertained the crowd, it was Andre’s quiet gestures that made the day unforgettable for Sydney. From the key to the city presented on a beautiful plaque, to the honorary naming of Fairview Avenue, Andre’s influence could be felt throughout the event. He had even arranged for joint proclamations from the mayors of Dunellen’s sister cities in Italy, making sure Sydney felt recognized on an international scale.

Adding to the warmth of the celebration, Sydney’s family—including her parents Willie and Mary McLaughlin, sister Morgan, and brother Ryan—joined her, along with friends, coaches, and even former Olympians. But Andre’s biggest surprise came when the skies, which had been rainy all morning, cleared up just in time for the ceremony.

“It was raining all day, but then Sydney shows up and it stops,” Andre said with a grin. “It’s like even the weather knows she’s special.”

The couple, who have been each other’s biggest supporters throughout their marriage, shared loving glances throughout the ceremony. Andre, a former NFL player, has always championed Sydney’s success, and on this day, he made sure her hometown welcome reflected the love and admiration he has for her.

As the ceremony wrapped up, McLaughlin-Levrone expressed gratitude for the community’s unwavering support, and she couldn’t help but praise her husband for making the day so meaningful. “I’m blessed beyond words to have Andre by my side,” she said. “He always knows how to make every moment special, and today was no exception.”

For Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone, the accolades were well-deserved, but it was clear that the grand welcome orchestrated by her husband made her homecoming truly magical.

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