Derek’s Wife Reply Julianne “I’m Not the Problem Here”, “You Are Your Own Enemy “

“Hayley Erbert Responds to Allegations of Rift Between Derek and Julianne Hough: ‘I’m Not the Problem Here'”

In a surprising turn of events, Hayley Erbert, wife of professional dancer Derek Hough, has spoken out following rumors that she has come between Derek and his sister, Julianne Hough. Fans of the Hough siblings have long admired their close bond, which spans across their careers on Dancing with the Stars and multiple joint projects. However, recent accusations from some corners of the fanbase have claimed that Hayley’s presence in Derek’s life has caused tension in the sibling relationship.

In a candid interview, Hayley set the record straight, expressing frustration over the persistent rumors. “I’ve seen a lot of speculation about me supposedly driving a wedge between Derek and Julianne, and frankly, it’s just not true,” she stated. “It’s really disappointing to see people blaming me for something that doesn’t exist. Derek and Julianne have always had a special bond, and that hasn’t changed.”

The accusations, which began circulating on social media, allege that Hayley’s marriage to Derek has created a rift between him and Julianne, leading to less collaboration between the two siblings in recent years. Some critics even blasted Hayley for “not being mature enough” to handle Derek and Julianne’s closeness.

“People need to realize that we’re all adults here,” Hayley fired back. “It’s sad that some can’t accept the fact that Derek and Julianne have their own lives and relationships, and that doesn’t mean they aren’t close. I’m not the problem here, and it’s time for people to stop making baseless claims.”

Julianne Hough also weighed in on the matter, showing her support for Hayley. “The idea that Hayley has somehow come between us is ridiculous. We’re all family, and I love Hayley. She and Derek are a beautiful team, and I’m grateful to have her in our lives.”

Despite the backlash, Hayley made it clear that she won’t let the negativity affect her marriage or her relationships with Derek and Julianne. “At the end of the day, we know our truth. Derek and I are happy, and he’ll always have a strong bond with his sister. People need to grow up and move o

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