Alice Cooper, the legendary “Godfather of Shock Rock,” has recently collaborated with WhistlePig Whiskey to introduce a wellness-focused mocktail named the “Sex, Drugs, Rock & Dry Old Fashioned.” This alcohol-free beverage is designed to offer a sophisticated alternative for those participating in “Dry January” or seeking a sober lifestyle.
Cooper, who has maintained sobriety since 1977 after overcoming severe health challenges related to alcohol, endorses the mocktail as a “sober man’s dry dream.” The 750ml bottle is priced at $49.99 and features a blend of wellness ingredients, including damiana, Schisandra berries, and cordyceps mushrooms, each reputed for various health benefits. The mocktail offers flavors of summer berries, wild herbs, flinty black pepper, candied lime, and smoky mushroom, aiming to replicate the complexity of traditional alcoholic beverages.
Proceeds from the sales will support the nonprofit organization Giving Kitchen, which provides assistance to food service workers in need. Additionally, a special bundle featuring the mocktail and a rye-infused vinyl of Cooper’s album is available for $199.99.
This collaboration reflects Cooper’s commitment to promoting a healthy, sober lifestyle while still embracing the rock ‘n’ roll spirit. His involvement adds a unique edge to the growing trend of alcohol-free beverages, appealing to both longtime fans and those exploring sobriety.