In a deeply personal announcement on September 29, 2024, Jen Carfagno, co-host of The Weather Channel’s “America’s Morning Headquarters,” shared the heartbreaking news of experiencing a stillbirth. She and her husband, Neil, were expecting a child, but tragically, their baby passed away before birth. Carfagno expressed the profound grief her family is enduring and requested privacy during this difficult time.
Following the announcement, Carfagno took a leave of absence from her on-air duties to focus on her family’s healing process. Colleagues at The Weather Channel and viewers have extended their heartfelt condolences and support.
As of now, there is no official statement regarding Carfagno’s return to “America’s Morning Headquarters.” The Weather Channel has expressed its full support for her decision to take the necessary time away.
Carfagno’s openness about her loss has sparked important conversations about stillbirth and the grieving process, with many commending her bravery in sharing such a personal experience.
For the latest updates on Jen Carfagno, viewers are encouraged to follow official communications from The Weather Channel and Carfagno’s verified social media