Steve Burton, renowned for his role as Jason Morgan on “General Hospital,” has announced his engagement to Michelle Lundstrom, a cook and content creator
known for her participation in Netflix’s “Barbeque Showdown.” The couple shared the joyous news on Instagram, with Burton proposing on January 3, 2025.
This announcement comes over a year after Burton finalized his divorce from Sheree Gustin in December 2023. The former couple, who married in January 1999, share three children: Mackena, 21, Jack, 18, and Brooklyn, 10. Their separation became public in May 2022 when Burton revealed that Gustin was expecting a child with another man.
Professionally, Burton has experienced significant changes. In January 2024, he announced his departure from “Days of Our Lives,” where he had reprised his role as Harris Michaels. Shortly thereafter, he confirmed his return to “General Hospital” to continue portraying Jason Morgan, a character he has embodied since 1991.