Title: “True to the Blue: The Story of the Seattle Mariners” (A Netflix Original Documentary)
“True to the Blue” is a captivating documentary chronicling the rollercoaster journey of the Seattle Mariners, from their founding in 1977 to their historic playoff runs and the legends who left their mark on the franchise. Featuring exclusive interviews with past and present players, coaches, and die-hard fans, this film dives into the highs, the heartbreaks, and the hope that fuels one of baseball’s most passionate fan bases.
Key Highlights:
The Early Years: The struggles of an expansion franchise trying to find its place in Major League Baseball.
The 1995 Miracle: How Ken Griffey Jr., Edgar Martínez, and Randy Johnson led the Mariners to their first-ever postseason appearance, saving baseball in Seattle.
Ichiro’s Arrival: The impact of Ichiro Suzuki’s record-breaking debut season and his influence on international baseball.
The 21-Year Playoff Drought: The longest postseason drought in major North American sports and the heartbreak that came with it.
A New Era: The rise of Julio Rodríguez and how the Mariners are shaping their future for championship contention.
With never-before-seen footage, behind-the-scenes moments, and emotional fan stories, “True to the Blue” is a must-watch for Mariners fans and baseball lovers alike.
Coming soon to Netflix.