Kelly Reilly, renowned for her portrayal of Beth Dutton in the acclaimed series “Yellowstone,” is set to lead the upcoming British crime thriller “Under Salt Marsh.” The six-part Sky Original series, created by Clare Oakley, delves into a gripping narrative set in a close-knit coastal community. Reilly stars as Jackie Ellis, a teacher and former detective who discovers the body of her 8-year-old student, Cefin, triggering an investigation that intertwines with the unresolved disappearance of her niece three years prior. The series also features esteemed actors Jonathan Pryce and Rafe Spall. Filming commenced in October 2024 across various locations in Wales, including Barmouth, Fairbourne, Anglesey, and South Wales.
In addition to her new role, Reilly recently reflected on the conclusion of “Yellowstone,” expressing gratitude for the transformative experience and the lifelong friendships formed during the show’s seven-year run. She also hinted at an upcoming spin-off series alongside co-star Cole Hauser, promising fans that the journey of Beth Dutton isn’t over yet.
Reilly’s recent comments also shed light on her perspective regarding the entertainment industry. She emphasized her commitment to staying grounded, focusing on her work and personal life, and distancing herself from the “cyclone of bulls***t and fakeness” that can pervade Hollywood.
As Reilly embarks on this new project, audiences eagerly anticipate her portrayal in “Under Salt Marsh,” which promises to be a compelling addition to her diverse body of work.