Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen, renowned for his roles in “Hannibal” and “Doctor Strange,” is reportedly in talks to return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in a new role. According to industry insider Daniel Richtman, Mikkelsen may portray a different character than his previous role as Kaecilius in 2016’s “Doctor Strange.” Speculation suggests he could take on the iconic villain Doctor Doom, especially with the upcoming “Fantastic Four” film in development.
In addition to these potential developments, Mikkelsen recently starred as the antagonist in “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,” the final installment of the beloved franchise. Reflecting on his involvement, Mikkelsen expressed immense gratitude, stating, “It is an enormous honour to be, 42 years later, part of this world.”
Furthermore, Mikkelsen’s latest film, “The Promised Land,” directed by Nikolaj Arcel, has garnered critical acclaim. The historical drama features Mikkelsen as Ludvig von Kahlen, a Danish army captain striving to cultivate the barren Jutland heath in the 1700s. Discussing the role, Mikkelsen noted the challenges of portraying a character from a different era, emphasizing the importance of adhering to historical hierarchies and societal norms.
These developments highlight Mikkelsen’s continued prominence in both Hollywood and international cinema, showcasing his versatility and enduring appeal as an actor.