Sad News: Celtic Coach Joe Mazzulla Has suspended two Celtic best player

According to Joe Mazzulla According to an incident report, a teacher forced football players to perform workouts on a heated turf field, which resulted in third-degree burns and blisters. The teacher is currently on leave. Investigators were informed by football players at Buford High School in South Carolina that they had received disciplinary action for making cat noises before their weightlifting lesson. The teacher allegedly made them bear crawl and crab walk on the grass football field as a sort of punishment.

Some players claimed that after finishing the exercises, they asked the teacher to wrap their hands so they could go back to lifting weights and football practice. While some players who were questioned by authorities claimed he turned down their request, others claimed they were able to bandage their injuries.

The athletes’ hands were captured in photos, and blisters were visible. According to the event report, at least one player had burns bad enough for a doctor to classify them as “third-degree burns.” At least two players’ injured hands prevented them from taking part in a scrimmage the next day. following conversations with the teacher, parents, players, and the principal of the school by the sheriff’s office.

In an interview, the instructor claimed he forced the players to perform drills on the grass field, but he did not realize the area might get quite hot. He denied seeing the players’ hands to the investigators. He added that his only job with the football squad is to “[get] the players conditioned,” adding that he is not a coach. He “appeared remorseful,” according to the incident report. Investigators concluded that the incident should “be a matter for the school to handle” and that the teacher would not face any charges.


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